31 กรกฎาคม 2556

Outside the classroom

Reading skill   

Effective Question

Questions and answers are very common activities, it helps students to learn and teachers judge the usefulness of what they are doing.
          Display question, the answer is coming from the students will not satisfy the basic criterion of providing information. Some teachers give their students the information and then try to ask them questions. For example, 1.> This is a pen. What is this?
2.> A: These are nice pants!
      B: Can I try them on?
      A: This is a nice sweater!
      B: Can I try it on?  This example calls display questions.
          Referential question. Questions in the language classrooms should be referential or meanings based, and not focus solely on form. The example is meaning-based question: Suppose you win $50,000. What are you going to do with it?
          Display vs. referential. In reading, questions can merely test the reader’s knowledge of form or comprehension. To make reading questions referential <meaning based>.
          In conclusion, the following guidelines might be helpful in forming classroom questions. The question has a purpose to test the students’ knowledge of form, ask for information. The teaching will help teacher think about question and answer classroom activities.

29 กรกฎาคม 2556

Inside the classroom

Inside the classroom

        Teacher explained how to write lesson plan include indicator that students learn and do after they finish studied. We should see in the curriculum that is standard and indicator. We should adapt it by using own words.
        In the lesson plan, there are learning standard, task, activities, and evaluation. Task and test must be related to evaluation form. Teacher must teach strategies for students like listening strategies, speaking strategies, reading strategies and writing strategies. Today there are 5 people to test teaching. Some people are different to design their teaching but they are good for selecting the material to teach. They should improve the style of teaching.

        There are many useful for me to choose good things from them to improve my teaching because it helps me to know I should do for testing to get a good result. From teacher commented, it gave me to understand clearly.

28 กรกฎาคม 2556

Learning Log: Week 9

Week 9: Leaning Contract

What I do?
Learning contract
Writing inside the classroom

Reading skill

Reading skill
Listening skill

27 กรกฎาคม 2556

Listening skill

A Tutorials: Way of Building Community in the Classroom

          When teachers were teaching a foreign or second language, we want our students to be able to use the language communicatively to express their idea in speech or speaking and writing and to understand what they are hearing and reading.
          There are many ways to building community in the classroom. Classroom is good for it because there are many students in the class. I can use these ways to build community.

optimal < adj.>
/ ˈɒptɪməl /


Ageing could evolve as part of an optimal life history.
impediment <n.>
/ ɪmˈpedɪmənt /

something that delays or stops the progress of sth

The level of inflation is a serious impediment to economic recovery.

mandatory        < adj.>
/ ˈmændətəri /

required by law

It is mandatory for blood banks to test all donated blood for the virus.

spur < n.>
/ spɜː(r) /

a sharp pointed object that riders sometimes wear on the heels of their boots and use to encourage their horse to go faster

He dug his spurs into the horse's sides.

25 กรกฎาคม 2556

Reading skill

Reading to Speak: Integrating Oral Communication Skills
          Speaking skill is the most important skill and students must master several difficult microskills, including the pronunciation of unfamiliar phonemes, the correct placement of stress and intonation and the appropriate use of formal and informal expressions.
          How to integrate oral communication skills. Speaking is added to reading and writing lessons to ensure that students receive essential practice in oral communication. The listening skill is already a natural complement to any true speaking activity, adding speaking opportunities to reading or writing lesson automatically allows students to integrate at least three skills. The integration of speaking and reading activities can be used in both intensive and extensive reading class. There are 3 activities that are 1.> Read to act 2.> Read to debate and 3.> Read to interview.
          Reading comes first and speaking is following. When teacher integrates speaking skills, it improves students’ communicative competence. Teacher can use these activities to practice students to speak fluency.

23 กรกฎาคม 2556

Outside the classroom

Reading skill

Six Vocabulary Activities for the English Language Classroom
        A basic level of vocabulary will allow learners to communicate some ideas to a certain degree, better communication. Second language learners certainly recognize that insufficient vocabulary is one of their biggest frustrations < Green and Meare 1995; James 1996>. Teachers need to know what kinds of classroom activities they can use to help their students gain new vocabulary. The purpose of this article is to present some important aspects of vocabulary learning and introduce teachers to 6 practical vocabulary activities.
        There are 5 types of words that are <1.> a single word, <2.> a set phrase, <3.> a variable phrase, <4.> a phrasal verb, and <5.> an idiom. Vocabulary problems including polysemy, connotation and usage, part of speech, frequency and collocation. The most successful vocabulary activities are those that allow students to accomplish three goals: <1.> focuses on the vocabulary, <2.> experience multiple retrievals of the vocabulary, and <3.> develop successful vocabulary learning strategies.
        From research there are 6 activities have been used successfully in several EFL setting with learners ranging from teenagers to adults. Activity 1: Keeping a running list of words. Teachers should make list of vocabulary as they teaching. Point out the words to focus learners’ attention on the words. Activity 2: Vocabulary cards. Teachers put students in pairs or small groups, and their task is to discuss and solve the vocabulary question presented on the card. Activity 3: Ranking vocabulary items. Teachers present the class with a list of six to eight items that they must rank according to some factor. Choose a list of items that represent a theme that is meaningful to their students. Activity 4: Vocabulary ladder puzzle, teachers will construct a ladder of 5 words that all have the same number of letter. These 5 words are the answers for this word ladder puzzle < Folse, 1993, 113>. Activity 5: Vocabulary sentence auction. This activity works well for the whole class. Activity 6: Scrambled vocabulary envelopes, provides practice with collations. Students work in groups of three or four to rearrange sentence parts into correct sentences.
        English language learners need to increase their vocabulary knowledge. Teachers should incorporate explicit vocabulary teaching supported by classroom activity like these. Such activity will help learners focus their attention on key vocabulary. Teachers can choose these activities to apply in their vocabulary teaching. It can increase vocabulary knowledge to learners.

lapse < v.>
/ læps /

a small mistake, especially one that is caused by forgetting sth or by being careless
A momentary lapse in the final set cost her match.

connotation <n.>
/ ˌkɒnəˈteɪʃn /

an idea suggested by a word in addition to its main meaning
The word ‘professional’ has connotations of skill and excellence.

neutral <adj.>
/ ˈnjuːtrəl /

not supporting or helping either side in a disagreement, competition, etc.

Journalists are supposed to be politically neutral.

deodorant< n.>
/ diˈəʊdərənt /

a substance that people put on their bodies to prevent or hide unpleasant smells

A special anti-foam additive also gives a more complete fill-up with less spillage, and a deodorant reduces smell.
perspiration    < n.>
/ˌpɜːspəˈreɪʃn /

drops of liquid that form on your skin when you are hot

Her skin was damp with perspiration.

transparency < n.>
/trænsˈpærənsi /

a picture printed on a piece of film, usually in a frame, that can be shown on a screen by shining light through the film

The partial transparency of the rock allows focusing up and down to assess grain packing.
proportionate < adj.>
/ prəˈpɔːʃənət /

increasing or decreasing in size, amount or degree according to changes in sth else
The number of accidents is proportionate to the increased volume of traffic.