This time for teaching test
Today is one day for teaching test. There are 10
people for today. I’m a first person to test. I thought about ordering food.
There are a lot of mistake like don’t interpret students while they are doing
the activity. Teacher should tell about their mistake after they finished doing
activity. Then there are a lot of good points for my teaching. I would like to
tell you about that one. I had clear objectives and have instruction to
evaluation and assessment students. I had good manage classroom and I used
eye-contact to students all the time. I could solve the face problem and I used
a lot of questionings. Classroom is smooth and transition. I will get the good
point and I will improve the mistake to be good in the next test. The second
person thought about asking direction. She had a video about people asking the
way to the place for beginning the lesson. She should give time to students to
practice the conversation much time.
When you want to teach vocabulary to students, you should show the parts
of speech of the vocabulary. The third person thought about ordering food. She
had video for beginning the classroom and game but she should improve the
speaking rubric to emphasis on fluency more than accuracy. The fourth person
thought about occupation. She used game for beginning the lesson but she had a
lot of mistakes about her pronunciation. The fifth and sixth person thought
about asking direction. She used game for starting the class. The seventh
person thought about places in Satun and she let students to describe the
picture by using the adjective. The eighth person thought the same one about
asking direction. The last person thought about ordering food. She had a video
and she thought modal verb too.
watching friends teaching and teaching today, there are a lot of things that
are good for the next teaching. I will get the good point that friends and
teacher commented me and I will improve the weak point of them and me too. This
is good lesson and experience for many people and me to learn.
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