This time for teaching test
ASEAN is important for people in 10 countries. Then,
it is a good way for my friends and me to design your lesson to teach students
about ASEAN. Today there are 13 people for doing a test. One of all is me.
first person thought listening skill. She chooses places in Laos to teach
students but I think she didn’t teach them about listening strategies. She
emphasized on speaking more than listening. So, she couldn’t evaluate students
correctly. The second person thought about speaking skill. She began the
lesson by presenting all countries in ASEAN. She had a sound of words for them
to listen and practice their speaking. She thought them how to pronoun the word
correctly by using the stick but it was a good way if she chooses one country
to teach them. The third person thought reading skill. She began the
lesson by presenting the food in Malaysia but there was less practice for
students. The fourth person thought writing skill. She thought about
comparative place in Laos. I think she didn’t prepare herself for teaching and
she didn’t have clear activity. The fifth person thought listening
skill. She let students to listen in a less time. She should have more time for
students to practice listening skill. The sixth person thought reading
skill. She let students to read news but she thought in the wrong way and she
didn’t know the parts of news correctly.
She pronounced the words incorrectly. The seventh person is me. I
thought writing skill. I let students to write a postcard by using tourist
attractions in Singapore and I let students to know tourist attractions in
Singapore first. The eighth person thought speaking skill. She thought
about recommendation place and she had time for students to practice speaking.
She thought fluency. The ninth thought listening skill. She thought
about do and don’t in Malaysia. She thought different content. It was good for
teaching this content. The tenth person thought speaking skill. She
thought about ASEAN currency and asking price. She had a native speaker for
students to listen conversation but she didn’t use language fluency. The
eleventh person thought reading skill. She had a good activity but she
pronounced the words incorrectly. She should have worksheet for students
because it helped students to understand fast. The twelfth person
thought writing skill. She had activity for students to practice writing skill
but she wrote some word incorrect like exiting. The right word is exciting. So,
she should check the content before teaching students. The last person for today
thought listening skill. She let students to listen exchange rate conversation
but she didn’t teach listening strategies for them.
of us that thought today, there were many mistakes. Teacher told at last we didn’t focus on
students. It was a good way if we let students to do more activities. When we
writing a lesson plan, we should write learner more teacher for doing activity.
We cannot forget about task and test must relate together. If we would like
students to speaking, we should give time for them to speak.
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