Inside classroom
In the classroom, I learnt about English teaching
methods. Today, my friends presented 6 methods that are task-based learning,
project-based learning, speaking, listening, reading, and writing teaching. In
each group has a variety of information. Some group found the contents didn’t
relate to the topic and cannot explain about their topic when friends asked.
Teacher said yourselves is important and don’t believe your friends, you should
find more information about these.
First, task-based learning is an approach which offers
students opportunities to actively engage in communication in order to achieve
a goal o complete a task <Jane Wills>. Task-based learning is a part of
communicative language teaching. Activities in this method students used
language in real-life communication and language that is meaningful to the
students support the students’ learning process. In this method, teacher is a
facilitor or advisor. Students learn by themselves through the tasks. They can
do the tasks by group participant or pair work. The tasks relate to the content
that teacher going to teach. It teaches students to think. It known that
communicative language teaching and task-based learning have the same 3 p
framework but it is different ordering of process. In task-based learning 3 p
start from pre-task <introduction to topic and task>, task cycle or
production < task planning > and language focus or presentation <
analysis practice>. Task-based learning includes all skills.
Second, project based learning is an instructional
approach built upon authentic learning activities that engage students interest
and motivation. Students are important in this method and they should know that
science project and English project are different but they can learn by using
science process. It is an outside classroom learning. Students learn language
through the project. They learn by themselves and practice skills. It emphasis
in speaking skill for students use language in real life communication. Project
based learning is appropriate for teaching students in 21st century
skills as well as content. These skills include communication and presentation
skill and critical thinking
. Project depends on teacher plan the lesson.
Third, listening teaching. Listening is the language
modality that is used most frequently. Listening teaching is essential for
language teacher to help their students become effective listener. So, teacher
should teach students about listening strategies. It helps students to listen
easier and understand better. Including, teacher must have knowledge and
techniques to teach students. Teacher should use authentic situation to
practice their listening ability.
Listening has 3 processes that are pre-listening, while listening, and
post listening.
Fourth, speaking teaching. Speaking is the most important
skill for students. They need to recognize that speaking involves 3 areas of
knowledge that are: mechanics <pronunciation, grammar, and vocabulary>;
using the right words in the right order with correct pronunciation, Function
< transaction and interaction>, and Social and cultural rules and norms
< turn-taking, rate of speech, length of pauses between speakers, relative
roles of participants>. Teacher should provide authentic practice because it
can prepare students to use in real life communication situation.
Fifth, reading teaching is inductive language. Teacher
should teach reading strategies to students. Reading is an activity with a
purpose. Reading teaching is essential parts of language teaching at every
level. Also, reading is an interactive process that goes on between the reader
and the text, resulting is comprehension. Students use knowledge skills and
strategies to determine what that meaning is. It includes linguistic,
discourse, sociolinguistic and strategic competence. Reading has 3 strategies
like listening. Teacher should use authentic materials and approach because it
helps students to develop in reading. In classroom and homework reading
activities must be real life reading tasks that involve meaningful
Sixth, writing teaching is a productive language. Teacher
should teach students about writing strategies. There are 4 steps instructional
process for teaching writing that are: 1.Identify a strategy worth teaching. 2.
Introduce the strategy and repeated practice and reinforcement. Friends told
there are 3 techniques for writing like control writing teaching,
Less-controlled writing teaching and free writing teaching.
In each English teaching method, it has the main
characteristic. Teacher can apply to teach students in the content. It is great
for teacher to understand these methods clearly because it is useful for
teacher to write the lesson plan. One thing that I know from these methods is
authentic materials are important for teacher to teach and essential for
students to learn. So, before teacher teaches students, teacher should good
preparation and teacher should teach language that they can use in real life communication.
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