11 มิถุนายน 2556

Reading Skill

Using Original Video and Sound Effects to Teach English

Technologies have more function to teach language. Teaching language skills though mechanical exercises and traditional fill in the blank doesn't interest students. A well known way to create meaningful context for teaching English is through media.
Media can be integrated into language lesson in a variety of ways by developing activities bases on radio programs, television shows, newspapers, and video. Some educator integrates television into English as Second/ Foreign Language <ESL/EFL>. Radio programs are all an excellent source for teaching. Radio can bring authentic content to the classroom. Video can also integrate into lesson. When teaching the video lesson, students can learn other skills such as listening, writing, vocabulary, and grammar.
All of media can integrate to teach English. There are useful for students to learn and motivate them to study. Also, students are more interested in learning English lesson. When I’m English teacher, I will choose these media to apply into the lesson because it can help to teach students more efficient.

/ kənˈsjuːmɪŋ /

( of a feeling, an interest, etc. ) so strong or important that it takes up all your time and energy

  Basketball is his consuming passion.
Inspire <v.>
/ ɪnˈspaɪə(r) /

to give sb the desire, confidence or enthusiasm to do sth well

The actors inspired the kids with their enthusiasm.
The actors' enthusiasm inspired the kids.

 supplementary <adj.>

/ ˌsʌplɪˈmentri /

  provided in addition to sth else in order to improve or complete it

A supplementary reading list is attached
 speculation <n.>
/ ˌspekjuˈleɪʃn /

the act of forming opinions about what has happened or what might happen without knowing all the  facts
The president's absence led to speculation over his health.

episodes <n.>
/ ˈepɪsəʊd /

an event, a situation, or a period of time in sb's life, a novel, etc. that is important or interesting in some way

   It was an episode in his life that he was not proud of.
entice <v.>
/ ɪnˈtaɪs /

to persuade sb/sth to go somewhere or to do sth, usually by offering them sth

The bargain prices are expected to entice customers away from other stores.
 compel <v.>
/ kəmˈpel /

to force sb to do sth; to make sth necessary
I feel compelled to write and tell you how much I enjoyed your book.

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